Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Características Generales de BsAs y de Latinoamérica

¡Hola Chicos!
I hope that you have all enjoyed the first few days of class.  I have been here in Buenos Aires for almost three weeks now.  To begin, I am going to share with you some of the general observations I have made since I have been here in Argentina and how they relate to the United States and the rest of Latin America.
Pero, primero yo quiero preguntarles ¿Habían viajado afuera de los Estados Unidos? ¿Adónde?
Every country outside of the United States is unique in its own culture, atmosphere and environment, history, the list is endless.  If you have the opportunity to travel abroad for work, study, volunteering, vacation, etc. I encourage you to do so!
But, to discuss specifically Argentina and Buenos Aires, here are some characteristics that have stood out to me.
-La Gente-
The people here in Buenos Aires are nice, son amables.  But, the idea of “politeness” here is noticeably different from that in the United States.  The fact that this is a huge city may play some role in this.  The people, without meaning to, can seem overly direct, and at times even aggressive with their words when explaining something or giving a command.  However, as I have had it explained to me, forwardness here is a cultural concept and not meant to be impolite.

-El Concepto de Espacio-
The concept of space here in Buenos Aires, like the rest of Latin America and other places throughout the world, is extremely different from that in the United States.  Your “personal bubble” does not exist.  People in lines, for example, will stand much closer to one another than in the U.S.  It’s the same on buses, trains, or simply when talking in a group of people. 

Similarly, people also greet each other in a closer and more embracing manner.  There is no such thing as shaking hands.  It does not matter if you are meeting someone for the first time or they are your best friend, you greet someone or say goodbye to someone by leaning into the left side of the other person’s face and kissing their cheek.  In some places in northern Argentina, the greeting is the same but with kissing on both cheeks.  I believe it is this way in Spain as well.

-El Concepto del Tiempo-
It can also be noted that the concept of time in Argentina and Latin America is more relaxed than in the United States.  In the U.S. many times people are constantly rushing to accomplish their next task, leisure activities are cut short, and meals are a rushed event.  However, here it is common for people to take time to enjoy their activities and their meals they share with family and friends on more of an everyday basis.  This counts for restaurants or for meals at home.  While this is probably more evident outside of large cities, it is still very evident here in Buenos Aires.  You can say the lifestyle is “más tranquila.”

Finally, here are a few random things that I, myself, have found interesting about Buenos Aires.
*The people here dress in a lot of dark colors.  I do not know the reason behind this, if there is one, but it is just something I have noticed.
*The education at the college level here is free when attending a public university.  Imagine if universities in the U.S. were “gratis.”
*Plastic surgery is covered here under regular medical plans.  That is you can easily have plastic surgery done at low cost without a need for it, such as reconstruction.
*Perros.  Porteños (the people of Buenos Aires) love their dogs.  Watch out for the dog walkers with groups of 10 to 15 dogs that take up the sidewalk or for poop that is always on the sidewalks..everywhere!

¡Nos hablamos pronto! :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Study Abroad---The opportunity of a lifetime!

¡Hola, Estudiantes!  Yo soy Audrey y este semestre hablaré con Ustedes sobre los beneficios de estudiar en el extranjero.  Espero que Ustedes disfruten de esta actividad y aprendan mucho de la cultura de Latinoamérica que no está en sus libros de texto.

Hello to all!  My name is Audrey and I am a current senior at Oklahoma State University.  However, this semester, I am studying abroad for the second time in Buenos Aires, Argentina and Lima, Peru.  I first studied abroad in 2009 in Costa Rica.  My major is Spanish and I will graduate officially in December.  Throughout the semester I will be blogging about once a week to share with you my experiences here in South America.  The purpose of this exercise is to share with you the benefits of studying abroad while also allowing you to practice your Spanish and increase your knowledge of foreign places and cultures.  I hope that you will find this activity enjoyable and that it sparks your curiosity for foreign countries and peoples.  Please, throughout the semester, ask questions regarding my posts or just anything that you would like to know about the language, cultures, or studying abroad, and I will do my best to answer them!  I look forward to working with all of you!  Buena suerte con el semestre!