Thursday, September 22, 2011


Hola Estudiantes!
Saturday I will be leaving Buenos Aires for the second part of my trip in Lima, Peru!  But before I go, I just want to share with you some of my favorite pictures from around the city and some of my apartment where I have lived for the past 8 weeks!  Let me know of any questions you have about any of them!  What things do you notice that are different from where you have lived/visited in the United States?

My little bedroom here in my 8th floor apartment in Buenos Aires!

The kitchen of my apartment...notice any differences? They don't keep their eggs in the fridge.

The living area of the apartment with tile floors.  Carpet is very uncommon in Latin America.

The view from our balcony!  What do you think? 
How does it compare to what you see out your window?

La Casa Rosada..or The Pink House..the equivalent to the White House in the United States.

The office of Cristina Kirchner, the current president of Argentina.

The view of the Plaza de Mayo from the balcony of la Casa Rosada.

A picture of Evita at the Evita Museum.  She is one of the most well known Argentine icons.

Several of Evita's dresses she wore throughout her lifetime. 
The black one she wore to Italy to meet the Pope.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Audrey!
    I am so sorry that we have been neglecting you, but here we are, and we are armed with questions!!!
    1) Was Buenos Aires nasty, dirty, polluted?
    2) How was your travel from Buenos Aires to Lima? How long was the flight? Which airline did you fly on?
    3)What differences have you noticed between Buenos Aires and Lima? What was the very first difference that you noticed?
    4) Questions about university: In your experience, is university more difficult in South America or here in the States? What is the name of your university in Lima?
    5) How is it going in Peru? Do you like your new host family? What do you think of Lima, the food, the people, etc.? What is the weather like there (compared to Argentina)?
    6) Did you make any friends in Argentina (other than other students in your program)?
    7) Matt (one of my students) wants to know what your favorite color is?
    8) Do you like South America better than the U.S.? Would you like to live there?
